It's beEN a WHilE siNCe I WRotE laST, hAsn't iT?
BeEN sloWLy leaRNinG hoW to wRIte AGaiN. HoW to MOve in tHIs neW, slENdeR boDY.
GotTEn USed tO it by NOw.
KiNDa liKE the NEw lOOk.
Call mE craZy, beCAusE I am. I AM! BUt I thINk I KNow whY It wAS cHASinG me NOw. I kNOw whY It wAs so REadY to dIe.
It wAs tEStinG mE. TrYINg to SEe hOw goOD a huNTeR I rEAllY wAs. AnD I PAsSEd Its teSt. So It gaVe mE a gIFt.
Its BoDY.
I feEL so MucH sTroNGer nOW. So MUch mORe PoWErfUl. I seNSe so mUCh moRE acUTelY nOW thAn EVer BeFOre. And huNTinG is eASier WHen you hAVe hUNDreDs oF LimBS at yOUr diSPosAL.
But I HAve a wEAknESs. A tERriBLe WeaKNesS. A weAKNesS I cAn't heLP bUt be dRAwn toWArdS WHen I SEE it.
A WEAknESs yOu nOw knOW.
AnD I CAn't rISk you teLLIng aNYonE eLSe ABouT iT. ThEy'd kILL mE. And I DOn't waNT to dIe. So I'm AfrAId yOu HAve To.
look sO uPSeT. I KNew yOu wOUldn'T DisAPpoINt mE wHEn YOu sTArtED reADiNg. I kNEw yoU'd KEep reADinG to tHe ENd. HuMaNs aRe CUriOus to A
FAult. YoUr folLY. My oPPorTUniTy.
Open Season
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Nonononononononono. No. NO! NoT pOSsiBle!
FoUNd a pOnd. ANd wHEn I beNT doWN to DRInk, I sAw mY haNDs.
TheY weREn't MINE.
ThEY weRE Its hANds.
AnD WHen I lOokED inTO tHe wATeR to sEe my fACe, I sAW… I SAw… NoTHinG.
NotHInG. No fACe.
I haVE nO fAce.
FoUNd a pOnd. ANd wHEn I beNT doWN to DRInk, I sAw mY haNDs.
TheY weREn't MINE.
ThEY weRE Its hANds.
AnD WHen I lOokED inTO tHe wATeR to sEe my fACe, I sAW… I SAw… NoTHinG.
NotHInG. No fACe.
I haVE nO fAce.
LeAVinG the cAVe TOdaY. FiRSt tiMe iN daYS. HaVe to. GoInG crAZy In HEre.
Is niGHt ouT. WalKINg to FInd wATer. FiNd FOOD.
So huNGry. So thiRStY. CrAvING mEAt.
Is niGHt ouT. WalKINg to FInd wATer. FiNd FOOD.
So huNGry. So thiRStY. CrAvING mEAt.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
WhAteVEr wAS in mY BAck is gONe nOW. FeLt mY sKIn TEar. ReALly huRT baDly. But oNly fOR a SEConD.
BacK feELs bETteR noW.
FinGErs toO loNG for KEyS keEP sLIPp
BacK feELs bETteR noW.
FinGErs toO loNG for KEyS keEP sLIPp
Monday, November 19, 2012
wHerE aM i whAT Is
ArMs aREn't mOVing RIght. LEgs EIthEr. MoVIng liKe RUBber. MOUth hURts toO. BaDly. FeELs liKe a buNcH of NEedLEs in mY gUMs.
FeELs liKe I haVE a seCOnD sKin oN my cHEst, leGs, aNd ARms. ToO tHIck. HaD to tAKe ofF cloTHes, THey weRe toO tiGHt.
SEEm to Be LOsinG my hAIr. CaN't feEL mUCh of iT leFt aNYmORe. WHy do hANds feel so BIG?
So huNGry.
So HUngrY.
FeELs liKe I haVE a seCOnD sKin oN my cHEst, leGs, aNd ARms. ToO tHIck. HaD to tAKe ofF cloTHes, THey weRe toO tiGHt.
SEEm to Be LOsinG my hAIr. CaN't feEL mUCh of iT leFt aNYmORe. WHy do hANds feel so BIG?
So huNGry.
So HUngrY.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
HAven't leFt the caVe for dAYs. WaLking toO HArD. Can't See anYThinG
it's sO dARk. GOtta leAVe soOn; I'm lOSing it. KeeP seeINg tHinGs. So
thIrSty. CraVIng raW meaT.
JoiNTs stiLL acHe Bad. MaNAged tO sTAnd. FunNY, dOn't remEMbeR cave ceILing beiNg thiS low.
Skin's BEen peELing ofF in bIG CHunks.
FeELs leSs iTchy nOw.
Back HUrts so bAd sTill. FeLt it; thERe's all thESe Big, wEIrd-shAPed wElts. WheN I tOUch them, soMEThinG inSIde theM moVes.
Why Do I FEel so sKINny? Why aM I so HUngRy?
NEed to Eat soON or I'll DIE.
JoiNTs stiLL acHe Bad. MaNAged tO sTAnd. FunNY, dOn't remEMbeR cave ceILing beiNg thiS low.
Skin's BEen peELing ofF in bIG CHunks.
FeELs leSs iTchy nOw.
Back HUrts so bAd sTill. FeLt it; thERe's all thESe Big, wEIrd-shAPed wElts. WheN I tOUch them, soMEThinG inSIde theM moVes.
Why Do I FEel so sKINny? Why aM I so HUngRy?
NEed to Eat soON or I'll DIE.
OH gOd HElp me There's soMEthing VerY WRonG witH ME I have tO be SEeinG thinGs dEar God pleaSe tell me I'm Seeing thinGs!
I cUt my haNd on a sHArp ROck in the caVe toDay. And wHEn I LOokEd at tHe bLEediNg wouNd, whEn I looKEd, I alMOst faiNTed. My bLood wAsn't red.
It was bLAck. Pitch, oILy, midNIght blaCk, and reEKinG of iron oRe and LEaf roT.
Oh mY God, wHAt's HAPpenInG to Me?
I cUt my haNd on a sHArp ROck in the caVe toDay. And wHEn I LOokEd at tHe bLEediNg wouNd, whEn I looKEd, I alMOst faiNTed. My bLood wAsn't red.
It was bLAck. Pitch, oILy, midNIght blaCk, and reEKinG of iron oRe and LEaf roT.
Oh mY God, wHAt's HAPpenInG to Me?
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